A 53 year old lady presented at Ruby General Hospital with complaints of right flank pain for about a year. She had been put under the expert care of Dr. Sujoy Basak (Consultant Urologist).
After a thorough evaluation, an USG
revealed a 43 mm calculi (Stone, usually composed of mineral salts) in the
pelvis of right kidney and mild Hydronephrosis (Swollen and stretched kidney
due to a build-up of urine inside them) in left kidney. The digital X – ray of
KUB revealed a large staghorn calculus (A type of kidney stone with branches
that takes up a large portion of the urinary collecting area) and another small
sized calculi in right kidney. Our 128 slice CE CT scan of KUB also confirmed
the calculus measuring 4.5 cm X 3 cm, presence of stone within the ureters with
mild proximal hydroureteronephrosis (Dilation of the ureter due to obstruction
of urine outflow). The calculus in the left middle ureter at L5 level measured
1.4 cm.
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